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  • Arjun

    Arjun has been shown to significantly improve the signs and symptoms of cardiomyopathy, as well as the objective measurements of heart function.


    500 mg of a concentrated extract three times per day

    Two herbs used in the traditional medicine of India (Ayurveda) to treat people with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure have recently been supported by a small amount of clinical research. Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) has been shown to significantly improve the signs and symptoms of cardiomyopathy, as well as the objective measurements of heart function.4 In a clinical trial, people with dilated congestive cardiomyopathy (DCM) and severe heart failure took 500 mg of arjun extract three times daily. After two weeks, significant improvement in heart function was observed, an effect that continued over the course of approximately two years.5 The arjun used in this study was concentrated, but not standardized for any particular constituent. Commercial preparations are sometimes standardized to contain 1% arjunolic acid.

  • Coenzyme Q10

    Most studies using coenzyme Q10 in treating cardiomyopathy have shown positive results, including improved quality of life, heart function tests, and survival rates.


    100 to 150 mg daily
    Coenzyme Q10

    People with dilated congestive cardiomyopathy (DCM) have been shown to be deficient in coenzyme Q10.6 Most studies using coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of cardiomyopathy have demonstrated positive results, including improved quality of life, heart function tests, and survival rates.7,8,9 Coenzyme Q10 also has been shown to improve cardiac function in people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy—a less common form of cardiomyopathy.10 A few studies, however, have found no benefit from CoQ10 supplementation in treating people with cardiomyopathy.11,12 Despite a lack of consistency in the outcomes of published research, many doctors recommend that 100 to 150 mg be taken each day, with meals.

  • Coleus

    Coleus contains forskolin, a substance that may help dilate blood vessels and improve the forcefulness with which the heart pumps blood.


    Refer to label instructions

    Another Ayurvedic herb, coleus, contains forskolin, a substance that may help dilate blood vessels and improve the forcefulness with which the heart pumps blood.13 Recent clinical studies indicate that forskolin improves heart function in people with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure.14,15 A preliminary trial found that forskolin reduced blood pressure and improved heart function in people with cardiomyopathy. These trials used intravenous injections of isolated forskolin. It is unknown whether oral coleus extracts would have the same effect. While many doctors and practitioners of herbal medicine would recommend 200 to 600 mg per day of a coleus extract containing 10% forskolin, these amounts are extrapolations and have yet to be confirmed by direct clinical research.

  • Dan Shen

    Dan shen may improve the force of heart contractions and coronary circulation, and may prevent damage to the heart muscle that might lead to cardiomyopathy.


    Refer to label instructions
    Dan Shen

    Dan shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza), a Chinese herb, has been traditionally used to treat angina and coronary artery disease. Some studies suggest that dan shen may improve the force of heart contractions and coronary circulation, and may prevent damage to the heart muscle that might lead to cardiomyopathy.16,17,18 However, no clinical trials of dan shen for DCM have been reported. Doctors expert in Chinese herbal medicine typically recommend 1 to 6 grams per day of dried root.

  • L-Carnitine

    Inherited forms of cardiomyopathy seen in children may be responsive to L-carnitine.


    Refer to label instructions

    Deficiency of L-carnitine, an amino acid, is associated with the development of some forms of cardiomyopathy.19 Inherited forms of cardiomyopathy seen in children may be the most responsive to therapy with L-carnitine.20,21 Whether carnitine supplementation helps the average person with cardiomyopathy remains unknown. Nonetheless, some doctors recommend 1 to 3 grams of carnitine per day for adults of average weight.

  • Taurine

    Taurine has been shown in preliminary studies to be beneficial for cardiomyopathy.


    Refer to label instructions

    Several veterinary studies have demonstrated benefits from supplementation with taurine, another amino acid, in animals with cardiomyopathy. Most of these studies showed taurine deficiency to be a cause of cardiomyopathy. Taurine supplementation in animals with DCM has resulted in improvement of symptoms and survival rates.22,23 However, clinical studies in humans are lacking; thus, despite a good safety record, the benefits of taurine supplementation in people with any form of cardiomyopathy remain speculative. When taurine supplements are used by doctors to treat people with other conditions, 2 grams taken three times per day for a total of 6 grams per day is often recommended.

What Are Star Ratings
Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit.
Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health benefit or minimal health benefit.
For an herb, supported by traditional use but minimal or no scientific evidence. For a supplement, little scientific support.


1. Beers MH and Berkow R, eds. The Merck Manual, 17th ed. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Co., Inc., 1999, 1692.

2. Coughlin SS, Pearle DL, Baughman KL, et al. Diabetes mellitus and risk of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The Washington, DC Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study. Ann Epidemiol 1994;4(1):67-74.

3. Post WS, Larson MG, Levy D. Hemodynamic predictors of incident hypertension. The Framingham Heart Study. Hypertension 1994;24(5):585-90.

4. Dwivedi S, Jauhari R. Beneficial effects of Terminalia arjuna in coronary artery disease. Indian Heart J 1997;49:507-10.

5. Bharani A, Ganguly A, Bhargava KD. Salutary effect of Terminalia Arjuna in patients with severe refractory heart failure. Int J Cardiol 1995;49:191-9.

6. Manzoli U, Rossi E, Littarru GP, et al. Coenzyme Q10 in dilated cardiomyopathy. Int J Tissue React 1990;12(3):173-8.

7. Pogessi L, Galanti G, Comeglio M, et al. Effect of coenzyme Q10 on left ventricular function in patients with dilative cardiomyopathy. Curr Ther Res 1991;49:878-86.

8. Langsjoen PH, Vadhanavikit S, Folkers K. Response of patients in classes III and IV of cardiomyopathy to therapy in a blind and crossover trial with coenzyme Q10. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1985;82:4240-4.

9. Ma A, Zhang W, Liu Z. Effect of protection and repair of injury of mitochondrial membrane-phospholipid on prognosis in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Blood Press Suppl 1996;3:53-5.

10. Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, et al. Effects of exercise training on left ventricular filling at rest and during exercise in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Am Heart J 1996;132(1 Pt 1):61-70.

11. Bresolin N, Doriguzzi C, Ponzetto C, et al. Ubidecarenone in the treatment of mitochondrial myopathies: a multi-center double-blind trial. J Neurol Sci 1990;100:70-8.

12. Permanetter B, Rossey W, Weingartner F, et al. Lack of effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) in long-term treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy. Z Kardiol 1989;78:360-5 [in German].

13. Lindner E, Dohadwalla AN, Bhattacharya BK. Positive inotropic and blood pressure lowering activity of a diterpene derivative isolated from Coleus forskohli: Forskolin. Arzneimittelforschung. 1978;28:284–9.

14. Baumann G, Felix S, Sattelberger U, Klein G. Cardiovascular effects of forskolin (HL 362) in patients with idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy—a comparative study with dobutamine and sodium nitroprusside. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1990;16:93–100.

15. Kramer W, Thormann J, Kindler M, Schlepper M. Effects of forskolin on left ventricular function in dilated cardiomyopathy. Arzneimittelforschung 1987;37:364-7.

16. Takeo S, Tanonaka K, Hirai K, et al. Beneficial effect of tan-shen, an extract from the root of Salvia, on post-hypoxic recovery of cardiac contractile force. Biochem Pharmacol 1990 40:1137-43.

17. Bai YR, Wang SZ. Hemodynamic study on nitroglycerin compared with Salvia miltiorrhiza. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1994;14:24-5 [in Chinese].

18. Xing ZQ, Zeng XC, Yi CT. Effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza on serum lipid peroxide, superoxide dismutase of the patients with coronary heart disease. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1996;16:287-8 [in Chinese].

19. Paulson DJ. Carnitine deficiency-induced cardiomyopathy. Mol Cell Biochem 1998;180(1-2):33-41.

20. Winter S, Jue K, Prochazka J, et al. The role of L-carnitine in pediatric cardiomyopathy. J Child Neurol 1995;10 Suppl 2:S45-51.

21. Kothari SS, Sharma M. L-carnitine in children with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Indian Heart J 1998;50:59-61.

22. Kittleson MD, Keene B, Pion PD, Loyer CG. Results of the multicenter spaniel trial (MUST): taurine- and carnitine-responsive dilated cardiomyopathy in American cocker spaniels with decreased plasma taurine concentration. J Vet Intern Med 1997;11:204-11.

23. Pion PD, Kittleson MD, Thomas WP, et al. Response of cats with dilated cardiomyopathy to taurine supplementation. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1992;201:275-84.

24. McKenna CJ, Codd MB, McCann HA, Sugrue DD. Alcohol consumption and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: a case control study. Am Heart J 1998;135(5 Pt 1):833-7.

25. Hoyumpa AM. Mechanisms of vitamin deficiencies in alcoholism. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1986;10(6):573-81.

26. Lieber CS. Alcohol-nutrition interaction: 1984 update. Alcohol 1984;1(2):151-7.

27. Klatsky AL. The cardiovascular effects of alcohol. Alcohol 1987;Suppl 1:117-24.

28. Friedman HS. Cardiovascular effects of alcohol with particular reference to the heart. Alcohol 1984;1(4):333-9.

29. Urbano-Marquez A, Estruch R, Fernandez-Sola J, et al. The greater risk of alcoholic cardiomyopathy and myopathy in women compared with men. JAMA 1995;274(2):149-54.

30. Valgaeren G, Conraads V, Colpaert C, et al. Sudden death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: risk stratification and prevention. Acta Cardiol 1998;53(1):23-9.

31. Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, et al. Effects of exercise training on left ventricular filling at rest and during exercise in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Am Heart J 1996;132(1 Pt 1):61-70.

32. Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, et al. Exercise training improves left ventricular diastolic filling in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Clinical and prognostic implications. Circulation 1995;91(11):2775-84.

33. Wielenga RP, Erdman RA, Huisveld IA, et al. Effect of exercise training on quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure. J Psychosom Res 1998;45(5):459-64.

34. Hambrecht R, Fiehn E, Weigl C, et al. Regular physical exercise corrects endothelial dysfunction and improves exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation 1998;98(24):2709-15.

35. Coughlin SS, Neaton JD, Sengupta A, Kuller LH. Predictors of mortality from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in 356,222 men screened for the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial. Am J Epidemiol 1994;139(2):166-72.

36. Hartz AJ, Ratner ER, Sinoway LI, Bartholomew MJ. Smoking and idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy. Jpn Heart J 1996;37(3):401-7.

37. Juilliere Y, Danchin N, Briancon S, et al. Dilated cardiomyopathy: long-term follow-up and predictors of survival. Int J Cardiol 1988;21(3):269-77.

38. Metayer C, Coughlin SS, Mather FJ. Does cigarette smoking paradoxically increase survival in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy? The Washington, D.C., Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study. Cardiology 1996;87(6):502-8.

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The information presented by TraceGains is for informational purposes only. It is based on scientific studies (human, animal, or in vitro), clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article. The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. Self-treatment is not recommended for life-threatening conditions that require medical treatment under a doctor's care. For many of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or over the counter medication is also available. Consult your doctor, practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problem and before using any supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications. Information expires December 2023.

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